
Monday, September 16, 2013

The 5 Principles of Fitness: Cardiorespiratory Fitness

Cardiorespiratory fitness is the ability to perform dynamic, moderate-to-high intensity exercise for prolonged periods.  Performance of such exercises depends on the functional state of the respiratory, cardiovascular, and skeletal muscle systems.  ACSM Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription. Eighth Edition.

So cardiorespiratory fitness includes three body systems, the respiratory system, the cardiovascular systems, which makes up your heart, systemic and pulmonary circulation systems, and the muscles that power the activity of choice.  Some of the major activities associated with cardiorespiratory fitness are also involved in muscular endurance activities: running, walking, swimming, dancing, biking, etc. 

Low levels of cardiorespiratory fitness has been linked to an severely increased risk of death by cardiovascular disease.  According to the American Heart Association, cardiovascular disease claimed 831,272 lives in 2006, more than deaths caused by cancer, accidents, and HIV (AIDS) combined.  Cardiovascular Disease comes in many forms: stroke, high blood pressure, heart failure, and coronary heart disease, which encompasses heart attacks and angina pectoris (chest pain from the lack of blood in the heart tissue).

How can you improve your cardiorespiratory fitness? For the fitness enthusiasts, go for a challenging run, bike, walk or swim.  Push your pace or your distance.  For the non fitness enthusiasts, I am determined to change your outlook, but for now here are some tips.  Take the stairs over the elevator. Try to park your vehicle in the furthest spot away in the parking lot of your grocery store.  Sign up for a dance class or a group fitness activity such as zumba, spinning class, or aerobics classes.  Even the smallest steps can improve your cardiorespiratory fitness.  Reflect on ways you can make the first step.

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